Tuesday, 15 September 2015

The New RocketShip Picture Book

The first RocketShip picture book for children: 40 pages

Operation Animal Rescue Crate sees OMNI send Red on a special mission to rescue the animals on earth and transport them using the Animal Rescue Crates to a new planet.

Boys and Girls 3 and up will love this full colour picture book, packed with beautiful 3D Illustrations.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

We Have Lift-Off ! on the Apple App Store

The first in a series of interactive story books for children:
Operation Animal Rescue Crate sees OMNI send Red on a special mission to rescue the animals on earth and transport them using the Animal Rescue Crates to a new planet called Nibiru.

Boys and Girls 3 and up will love this full colour interactive storybook, packed with beautiful 3D Illustrations, animations, games, audio and narration.

Friday, 12 June 2015

Countdown Apple App Store Release

RocketShip: Operation Animal Rescue Crate

Get's Ready to Launch on the Apple App Store

Holographic Interface Systems+  v7 - upload completed to Apple App Systems
Holo link successful.......

Sunday, 31 May 2015

We Have Lift-Off !

The first in a series of interactive story books for children:
Operation Animal Rescue Crate sees OMNI send Red on a special mission to rescue the animals on earth and transport them using the Animal Rescue Crates to a new planet called Nibiru.

Boys and Girls 3 and up will love this full colour interactive storybook, packed with beautiful 3D Illustrations, animations, games, audio and narration.

Saturday, 30 May 2015

The Countdown Has Begun

RocketShip: Operation Animal Rescue Crate

Get's Ready to Launch on Android devices across the Universe

 OARC on Kindle

Holographic Interface Systems+  v7 - upload completed to Android App Systems
Holo link successful.......

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Launch Date on Kindle Books

Our first Adventure is now available to pre-order on Amazon for Kindle Books. Launch date 24th May 2015.

RocketShip: Operation Animal Rescue Crate

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Holli Blog Connecting.......to WWW

Holli Blog......OMNI online

logging in ......... connecting Holographic Interface Systems+  v7 to WWW

OMNI security systems checking...........

Rocket Ranger log in processed ....complete and passed

- currently uploading vital data to OMNI and Red's onboard Holographic Interface Systems +

Connection successful .....